Friday, November 8, 2013

Is it me?

Okay is it me or has this year gone exceptionally fast?  It definitely feels like time is speeding up.  We’re already in early November but didn’t summer just end…like a couple of weeks ago?   

When I looked out my front window earlier today the leaves are almost entirely gone from the trees but now form a leafy yellow sea across my our collective lawns and provide a thick covering across the road.  Clearly the good thing is that I live on a lovely tree lined street for much of the year, but come the fall it turns into a wasteland of wet and rotting leaves. Sweet!

Tis' that time of year I suppose...
I think it’s the smell of the rotting leaves that transports me back to my childhood so easily and the images of me spent running through the endless piles of leaves that covered the football oval during our training sessions.  Although in Australia the autumn is in March and April given that it’s the Southern Hemisphere…strange now to imagine the seasons upside down.  Summer at Christmas and winter in June, July & August.  So foreign to those that live in the Northern Hemisphere, but I digress.

So much for me being transported back to heartwarming childhood memories...that was quickly squashed last night when I spent a good 40 minutes raking leaves and putting them into recycling bags for pick up today, only to find this morning that it was a fleeting effort at best with everything completely awash with maple leaves once again...damn that wind! ☺

And it wasn't until tonight I finally completed all of my pre-winter activities, like shutting off all of the outdoor taps, draining the excess water from the pipes, taking the deck chairs off the front porch and putting them in the garage, storing the garden hoses and finally getting out the snow shovel and placing it at the back door.  Wow, feeling pretty prepared all of a sudden!

Although this time of year is sooooooo blah…grey skies, wet roads, cool and often fluctuating temperatures, miles of smelly leaves and still six weeks from Christmas.  With no snow it feel's like we're in some sort of no-mans land - not even skiing or snowshoeing available yet and ages still to go until our Christmas/New Year break.

Unfortunately I can't just move to a warmer climate (not that I haven't wished it a billion times nor thought about it endlessly...just sayin).  I think bears have it right being able to hibernate over the winter.  Wouldn't it be great to just go for a sleep and wake up as the weather is turning to spring with the days lengthening and the sun shining…awesome springs to mind!  I think I really need to do some weekend trips south so I don't get too depressed. 

The big, fat bright spot this past week was not only me starting level D at Improv but that our teacher is quite a well known actor and award winning Improv extraordinaire. Currently he's performing with the Improv troupe "Bonspiel".  

He’s so different to any of my other Improv teachers in that nurturing is not his strong suit if you know what I mean… Based on our first workshop he’s more of a “take no prisoners” kinda guy, who tells it how it is and you'd better come to class ready to go at a moments notice.  

In his words “my assumption is that everyone of you is looking at Improv as your career” hence I’m going to treat you as the professionals you’re hoping to become so get used to lots of f…king feedback” (a.k.a criticism)…followed by a maniacal laugh.  Yep, I could smell fear in the room.

And to that end he definitely didn’t disappoint – stopping us frequently with his vociferous and energetic criticism of what “crap” that was…   Yes, a bitter pill to swallow my friends.   

He also announced that our next show is now set for the stage.  Unfortunately Sunday December 7th (“a date which will live in infamy”…thank-you FDR - and hopefully that’s not an omen) is our next scheduled performance.  

In any event I’m not telling you where or what time just to be on the safe side as I don't want to have a “Rob Ford” (our infamous Mayor of Toronto) pulled on me with a clandestine video of my performance available to all and sundry (no...really you can stop laughing now!  Inside voice people....inside voice!)    

Just kidding, but seriously I'm still not telling you!  ☺

1 comment:

  1. Growing up in California, I saw pictures and heard stories of these things called "Autumn" and "raking leaves"... sounds bloody horrible. :-P
