Friday, December 6, 2013

Where were you?

When I heard the news that Nelson Mandela has passed away I was particularly saddened especially given his impact on South Africa but more importantly his universal message of peace and reconciliation, which symbolized his lifelong struggle and endeavors for a free and just world.

As I sat in my car listening to the newsreader announce his death, they were genuinely affected by the news, you could tell by the tone and cadence of their voice that they were personally feeling his passing.  How could you not be affected I thought, his courage and conviction were legendary, especially in an era where politicians are regarded as little more than the lowest of the low, (usually because of their inane and destructive behaviour and actions), yet the Lion of South Africa had been a beacon of hope to millions of people around the world.  

Since that announcement I've been reflecting back on my life and the key moments that I have shaped my lifetime.

It was November 1963 and I distinctly remember sitting in front of an old black and white television and watching the images of JFK’s assassination.  What struck me most, was not the images per see as I was really too young to comprehend the magnitude of what I had just witnessed, but the reaction to his assassination by those adults around me that day.  They spoke in hushed whispers and were clearly moved by his death, many people were visibly upset, some crying openly and for the life of me I couldn't work out why.   Although I was almost five years old at the time this moment in time has been etched into my psyche. Strangely even as far away as Australia it was a tragic and sad event.

The next most memorable event was July 20th 1969 and the Apollo 11 moon landing.  I was ten years old and distinctly remember a cold and wet day in Clunes where I was attending the local Primary School.  I was in grade five at the time and remember clearly that everyone in the school, yes all 50 of us were all were rounded up and sent to the large disused storage/art room at the North end of the school to watch the historical event.  

The teachers had cleared a space large enough for everyone to sit on the floor and watch the moon landing unfold on the school's only black and white television, which had been propped up on a tall metal stand in front of the room.  I remember that we all cheered and clapped as we watched Neil Armstrong stepping down from the lunar landing craft and saying those immortal words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.  

Even today thinking back the forty plus years since the event I still get goose bumps on the back of my neck just thinking about those images that day.

Fast-forward to November 9th 1989, after months of building civil unrest in East Germany the government decided to open their borders and effectively brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall.  During my year backpacking I had desperately wanted to travel to West Berlin but it meant that I had to line up for at least a day to get an entry visa to travel through East Germany and to be honest I was too busy and interested in other things than to spend my time in a line up so I didn't end up going to West Berlin.  As you can imagine I’ve kicked myself ever since, particularly after the wall came down in 1989.  I had missed my opportunity to see history; this is still one of my biggest travel regrets, even to this day I'm still annoyed with myself!  ☺

However, all these events pail in comparison to 9/11. If I asked any adult where they were that day and what they were doing almost to a person they could tell you exactly where they were.  This was one of those “day of days”, and akin to the likes of Pearl Harbour in terms of a cataclysmic event that changed the world from that day forward for my parents generation.

I clearly remember being in downtown Toronto, having dropped off my car for a service prior to a scheduled meeting in the financial district.  It was just before 9:00 am and the first reports were just beginning to filter through about a plane that had just hit the North tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.   Every available television was carrying coverage of the “accident”, and consequently everyone was crowded around trying to piece together what had transpired.   The moment everything changed was as we were watching the coverage another plane flew in low and accelerated into the South Tower. There was a noticeable gasp from those around me, holy shit did you see that? You could literally see the color drain from the faces all around me as we took it in and tried to digest what we'd just witnessed.  

It was evident that these were no accidents, as we stood there dumbfounded looking at each other in hushed silence it became apparent that we had to leave where we were as fast as possible especially given that we were in a tall office tower in the middle of the financial district just like the ones in New York city that had been hit.  Buildings quickly began to empty as people rushed from them toward the comparative safety of their homes, me included...

I remember later that night hugging Zach and Sami especially tightly as I looked lovingly into their sweet little faces hoping above hope that they would have a world to grow up in, but after what I had witnessed earlier in the day I wasn't so sure that this would be the case.

Each of us have different memories, do you have any that have shaped your life or that stick with you to this day?

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